Tips To Winterize Your Pets
It is important to consider how the seasonal weather affects your pets. We have to remember that there are cold weather dangers, and our pets can become victims of improper shelter, lack of fresh water, antifreeze poisoning, frostbite and even hypothermia. Here are a few tips that can help keep your pets warms and happy. Winterize their Skin and Coat: Check the pads of their paws for cracked pads, broken nails or snow and ice damage. To distribute natural oils to our pets fur, brush their coat often. Protect their paws by having them wear booties. Winterize Pet Shelters: If you have outside dogs you can add straw for insulation to doghouses. If you have outside cats you can provide a snug, warm bed. Be sure the bed is not directly on the cold ground or concrete. Your local pet stores carry outdoor heated beds. Watch for antifreeze leaks, it tastes good to animals, and is deadly to pets or wild animals. For indoor pet...