Understanding Aggressive Behavior in Dogs
Protective, Territorial, and Possessive Aggression Protective, territorial, and possessive aggressions are all very similar and involve the defense of valuable resources. Territorial aggression is usually associated with defense of property, and that “territory” may extend well past the boundaries of your yard. For example, if you regularly walk your dog round the neighborhood and allow him to urine mark, he may think his territory includes the entire block. Protective aggression usually refers to aggression directed toward people or animal whom a dog perceives as threats to his family, or pack. Dogs become possessively aggressive when defending their food, toys, or other valued objects, including items as peculiar as tissues stolen from the trash. Redirected Aggression This is a relatively common type of aggression but one that is often misunderstood by pet owners. If a dog is somehow provoked by a person or animal he is unable to a...