Home Remedies for Minor Pet Injuries and Issues
Just like any two-legged member of the family, our furry friends can encounter little accidents around the house, yard, or neighborhood. If your precious pooch or faithful feline suffers a minor injury, there may be a quick fix within your reach. Bee sting. Bees tend to sting animals on the paw or face. Bee stings are quite painful and it is possible your pet may experience an allergic reaction as a result of a sting. If your pet receives a sting, you will need to remove the bee’s stinger. Nope, don’t reach for the tweezers! Instead, grab a credit card from your wallet and scrape away the stinger, making sure the venom sac comes out with it. If Fluffy or Fido experiences a mild allergic reaction to the sting, give him/her a bit of Benadryl or any allergy medication that lists diphenhydramine or cetirizine as the only active ingredient. The average dosage for treating your pet is 1 mg per pound, given every 8 hours. If your pet suffers a serious allergic reaction, seek immediat...